Thursday, March 5, 2015

P.E.T.A. (Pup Experiences Traumatizing Automobile accident)

I was walking my younger brother's dog this afternoon and something interesting happened.  Rio, the dog, tends to chase after large trucks, buses, and any vehicles that make a lot of noise.  Each day this happens and he's restrained as you can tell by the video below.

Crazy Pup
This particular scenario happens every day without fail.  On this day, he happened to be wearing a harness that was attached to his leash.  As the walk began, I noticed that he was feeling some discomfort.  I saw him laboring and attempted to fix his harness.  After he still seemed to be uncomfortable, I tried again to alleviate the pain and discomfort he was feeling.  Ironically, after the second attempt at fixing the harness, the bus he likes to chase so much was coming down the street.

Rio saw the bus trudging along and began to bark while heading into the street.  Using the leash, I began pulling him back while he tried his hardest to get into the street and he slipped right out of the harness!  He was hit in the face by the front of the bus and fell backwards closer to the sidewalk.  The bus did not stop at all.  I screamed like a schoolgirl and was frozen with shock, while he writhed in pain on the ground for a few seconds.

Then, in the strangest fashion, he just got up and started running back towards my house.  I went home and told my family what happened.  Other than a bloody lip, he seemed fine and chipper.  As I'm typing this, I'm still a little mortified and if any complications were to arise in the next several days, I would feel pretty awful.  I blame myself for adjusting his harness during the walk, rather than inside, and whoever put the harness on him in the first place.  He never wears a harness!  I'm glad he's okay though, probably won't be walking him for the next several days . . .

PS. It was kinda funny (now that he seems fine).  I hope he learned his lesson about trucks, buses, and noisy vehicles.

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